


国立历史BTT365 is hosted by Foxcroft School, which sits on 500 acres of countryside in Middleburg, 维吉尼亚州. Just 35 minutes from Dulles Airport (IAD), 43 miles west of Washington, D.C., and within view of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Foxcroft’s location is convenient to both culture and countryside.



学生 are permitted to have cell phones at 国立历史BTT365, but please be advised that reception at Foxcroft School is incredibly limited. There are “house phones” available in the common rooms of dorms, but the easiest communication while on campus is through email and text message.



This policy addresses the use of cell phones, 计算设备, 学生和教职员工在教室里使用便携式音乐和娱乐系统, 实地考察, 还有客座演讲嘉宾.

国家历史BTT365认为手机和其他电子设备是学习的工具和资源, 但出于礼貌和对学生的尊重,在某些时候,一些限制是必要的, 老师, 工作人员, 导游和客人.

学生 are permitted to bring the following electronic items to class: 1) cell phones; and 2) laptops, 平板电脑, iPads and other similar 计算设备 (“计算设备”). 便携式音乐和娱乐系统, 比如ipod, MP3播放器, PSP, 和任天堂DS(“娱乐系统”)通常不允许进入教室,除非你的老师出于教育目的特别允许.

Cell phones must be turned off and put away out of sight during instructional time, 经教师明确同意,用于教学和教育目的的除外.
Computing systems may 不 be turned on or used during instructional time, 经教师明确同意,用于教学和教育目的的除外.
除非有紧急情况,教职员或学生不得使用手机作私人用途.g., calls, Facetime, texting, emailing, etc.

Field trips to historic sites are considered instructional time, and electronic devices may only be used for educational purposes.  除非有紧急情况, 工作人员 or students shall 不 use cell phones for personal use, e.g., calls, Facetime, texting, emailing, etc.在一次实地考察中.
学生 and 工作人员 are permitted to bring cell phones, 计算设备, and entertainment systems on bus rides during field trips.  Headphones should be used at all times on the bus.  学生 may 不 have verbal cell phone conversations on the bus without permission. 仅为BTT365规划和协调目的,工作人员可在公共汽车上进行有限的口头手机通话.

一旦公共汽车到达目的地, use of entertainment devices and headphones are no longer allowed.  These items should be secured and left on the bus or placed in your backpack.
实地考察期间, all students and 工作人员 will give full attention to the guide or guest speaker. 手机应该静音. 当老师或导游与小组直接交谈或互动时,学生不得使用手机.  在这样的互动中, 员工最低限度地使用手机相机,仅用于拍摄照片以记录活动或与其他BTT365员工就旅行后勤进行谨慎沟通.

上述规则的例外适用于使用gopro或手机视频功能作为预先批准的BTT365项目的一部分的学生.  如果拍电影, 这应该在老师的允许和工作人员的知情下尽可能谨慎地进行.

在车站之间行走时, 在旅行的间歇, 或者在自由支配时间内, 工作人员 and 老师 may use their cell phones for taking photos, 笔记功能, and for other purposes to advance their learning at the site, as long as such use does 不 interfere with the talk or tour.

When a guest speaker visits with students at Foxcroft or at a historic site, all students and 工作人员 will give full attention to the speaker. 手机应该静音 and/or turned off, and securely put away.  除非有紧急情况,教职员或学生不得使用手机作私人用途.g., calls, Facetime, texting, emailing, etc.在一位演讲嘉宾的演讲中.
上述规则的例外适用于使用gopro或手机视频功能作为预先批准的BTT365项目的一部分的学生.  如果拍电影, 这应该在老师的允许和工作人员的知情下尽可能谨慎地进行.

当客人说话的时候, 工作人员最低限度地使用手机相机,仅用于拍摄照片以记录活动或与BTT365其他工作人员就后勤事宜进行秘密沟通.

·手机, 消防演习期间不得开启或使用计算机设备、便携式音乐和娱乐系统, 其他应急准备演习或在实际发生紧急情况时进行,除非BTT365职员另有指示.
·手机, 计算设备, and portable music and entertainment systems may 不 be used in bathrooms, 并且只能在睡觉的门廊上使用耳机,以免打扰到其他居民.
·手机, 计算设备, 未经本人同意,便携式音乐和娱乐系统不得用于对本人进行音频/视频或摄影记录.

If a student continually violates this policy and misuses cell phones, 计算设备, 便携式音乐娱乐系统干扰BTT365的学习环境,并在工作人员口头警告之后, BTT365可能会没收学生的电子设备,并在一天结束时归还.  如果这种滥用成为习惯, 在与家长/监护人进行电话会议后,该物品可能会被没收并归还给他们.
Staff members who violate this policy will receive a warning. Habitual violation will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

BTT365 is 不 responsible for stolen, 手机损坏或丢失, 计算设备 or portable music and entertainment systems.  万一有手机, 计算设备, or portable music and entertainment system is reported stolen, 我们的工作人员将彻底调查这一事件,并相应地处理与学生有关的不当行为. 学生们可能想带一些零用钱去历史遗迹购买纪念品, or to purchase snacks at the vending machine or concession stand.


  • 所有参加国家历史BTT365的学生都将被要求签署一份媒体发布表格, 同意出现在现场参观和令人兴奋的体验期间拍摄的照片中!

现场参观 & 期望:

  • 学生 are expected to attend all site visits in their entirety.
  • 演讲嘉宾是可选的. 
  • 课堂礼仪适用.


  • It is the students’ responsibility to complete all assignments on time.
    • 老师 and TAs are available for office hours if needed.


  • 国家历史BTT365寻求促进一个环境,让学生感到安全的表达自己和学术成长, 尊重这个多元化的学者群体中所有人的尊严和意见.  We expect students to show respect, kindness and consideration towards one a不her.  被认为是骚扰、偏执、恐吓或威胁的行为是不被容忍的.


  • Regardless of gender, clothing must cover the chest, torso and underwear.
  • 学生 are 不 allowed to wear any item depicting or advocating violence, 犯罪活动, 酗酒或吸毒, 色情或仇恨言论.
  • 学生必须在所有的旅行中穿着国家历史BTT365的衬衫,偶尔在教室里穿(检查每天的具体衬衫时间表)。. When wearing 国立历史BTT365 shirts, the only hat allowed to be worn is the 国立历史BTT365 hat.


学生们可能想带一些零用钱去历史遗迹购买纪念品, 或在自动售货机或校园便利店购买零食。.



  • Sunhat or Baseball Cap (one will be provided)
  • 眼镜和/或隐形眼镜
  • 太阳镜
  • 口罩


  • t恤或polo衫(学生将获得2件t恤和2件polo衫,用于实地考察)
  • 短裤
  • 长裤
  • 牛仔裤
  • 轻便的夹克或毛衣,以防万一
  • 雨衣
  • 活动日的运动服
  • 游泳装
  • 参加讲座和正式活动的着装——男生应该带一件运动夹克或运动外套. 女孩们可能会想带一件运动上衣或连衣裙.
  • 睡衣和睡袍
  • 内衣


  • 舒适的步行鞋(我们经常走路)!)
  • Sandals/Flip-flops, or other shoes that can get wet
  • 礼服鞋
  • 袜子
  • 淋浴的鞋子

床上 & 浴

  • Towels — 浴, Hand, and Beach (for the pool)
  • XL双床褥垫
  • 毯子
  • 枕头和枕套
  • 特大号双床床单
  • 洗衣袋
  • 洗衣皂
  • 浴室垫(每间需一张)


  • 刷子和梳子
  • 洗发水
  • 肥皂及肥皂容器
  • 牙刷和支架
  • 牙膏
  • 除臭
  • Hand soap (this is 不 provided in dorm bathrooms)
  • 防晒霜
  • 驱虫剂


  • Laptop computer or Tablet (a limited number of loaners will be available)
  • Backpack for day trips (one will be provided)
  • Reusable water bottle (one will be provided)
  • 笔记本(提供一本)
  • 钢笔/铅笔
  • 学生  出生在美国 应该带护照还是绿卡. 一些联邦设施, 包括白宫, will 不 allow students born outside the US to enter without these documents.



Approximately five days before your program begins, you will receive an email with your own personal historycamp.Com登录信息. 此登录信息需要访问您的谷歌教室和您的缩放帐户.

For assistance with navigating our learning platforms, please 点击这里.



  • 学生 are expected to attend all classes on time and in their entirety. 
    • If any problem arises be sure to email your teacher. 
  • 讨论和课堂是一个安全的地方. 学生应该以尊重的方式表达自己的观点,同时考虑他人的观点. 学生 are expected to participate in civil discourse throughout the week. 
  • 美国国家历史BTT365的学生应遵守以下着装规定, 在任何时候都要穿着得体;
    • 没有睡衣.
    • 学生 are 不 allowed to wear any item depicting or advocating violence, 犯罪活动, 酗酒或吸毒, 色情或仇恨言论.
    • Regardless of gender, clothing must cover the chest, torso and underwear.
  • 学生 must follow classroom etiquette as follows: 
    • 摄像机应该打开. 
    • 通话期间不要吃东西或零食. 
    • 学生在不说话的时候应该把声音调小,这样背景噪音就不会被捕捉到.
  • During virtual site visits and guest speakers, all comments in the chat feature can be seen by fellow students, 老师, 和主机. 请保持尊重.


  • 所有参加国家历史BTT365的学生都将被要求签署一份媒体发布表格, 同意出现在现场参观和令人兴奋的体验期间拍摄的照片中!

现场参观 & 期望:

  • 学生 are expected to attend all site visits in their entirety.
  • 演讲嘉宾是可选的. 
  • 课堂礼仪适用.


  • It is the students’ responsibility to complete all assignments on time.
    • 老师 and TAs are available for office hours if needed.


  • 国家历史BTT365寻求促进一个环境,让学生感到安全的表达自己和学术成长, 尊重这个多元化的学者群体中所有人的尊严和意见.  We expect students to show respect, kindness and consideration towards one a不her.  被认为是骚扰、偏执、恐吓或威胁的行为是不被容忍的.


  • Must have regular access to a reliable computer
  • 互联网连接. High-speed broadband access is highly recommended
  • 网络摄像头
  • 麦克风
  • Speakers or headphones to hear audio from a computer


  • 使用键盘和鼠标
  • 发送和接收电子邮件
  • 选择、复制和粘贴文本
  • Accessing the Internet using a web browser such as Chrome or Firefox
  • Performing basic Internet searches with appropriate search terms
  • 使用网络摄像头、麦克风和扬声器参加虚拟会议/教室.